
“People who love to eat are always the best people.” – Julia Child

The origin of this blog is quite a story. Two women, who love eating and exploring cuisine in all its forms, but have come to realize that our bodies cannot withstand many of our 132635_1579032791826_285121_ofavorite foods. Between the two of us, we have had to remove all gluten, corn, dairy, and animal products from our diet, which can be something of a challenge in our culture these days, but we feel confident that through this journey and time of devout exploration, we can inspire each other and others to eat well, eat healthy, and eat intentionally. Two young professionals, on a mission to continue to love food, love cooking, and continue to love searching for excellent dishes.

A former author of the amazing online food magazine, Honest Cooking, Katherine has studied food and learned that good quality eating is essential and necessary for good quality living. Alisha, a former baker and pastry chef, has come to believe that food is a delicate art and science, and that flavorful ingredients can make or break a dish. Together, we aspire to create meals that are flavorful and a pleasure to eat, that help us feel good on the inside. We believe that it is possible to have the best of both worlds: a delicious and thoughtful meal that helps us feel satisfied, energized, and ultimately, that brings on a new   level of health.163854_585415376362_6422454_n

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